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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Belly Report: Dr. Confirmation!

We had our confirmation doctor's appointment on Monday!  It was fun to be back in the office to do this all over again :)  Dr. Hibshman was excited to see us and to show us our baby's little fluttering :)  Everything looked good on the ultrasound, and we talked about all of the dos and don'ts during pregnancy.  

We are due on June 10th, 2012!!!  I am a bit bummed about the complete opposite season thing for both maternity clothes and baby clothes (if we have another boy), BUT that's a minor inconvenience ;)  Lots of timing works out perfectly this time around (not that it didn't last time): the pregnancy doesn't interfere with Thanksgiving or Christmas travel (this has always been a fear of mine since I CRAVE my family at the holidays!), we have our gender ultrasound to look forward to after the winter holidays die down, I was planning to take Jackson to Chicago during March Madness again this year and I will still be able to travel, and we are due in plenty of time to make it to Minneapolis for Larry and Michelle's wedding!  YAY!

I remember when I got pregnant with Jackson, I was surprised how fast certain symptoms showed up.  This time, I am shocked at how early they ALL seem to be showing up: dropping things left and right, pregnancy brain, everything tastes really good (when I feel like eating), peeing a lot, tired!, bloating, snotty nose, nausea, sore boobs, back pain, acid reflux and hormonal crying.

I am craving pizza, pasta, cheese, gummy candies, and soup (does that count as a craving when it's the only thing that sounds good sometimes?).  I'm trying hard to be good, and I really need to get better, but right now I'm sort of just going with what sounds good...  Within reason???

I am LOVING going back and reading the corresponding posts of when I was pregnant with Jackson.  I thought it would be fun to add those links to these posts :)

First pregnancy pic: We're Growing a Lima Bean!

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